Here’s what our patients have to say…
“I feel it’s very reassuring to see Weiying as she always gives you sound advice and there is always someone there to give you proper medicine with no side effects.”
Mrs Knight 21/10/2018
“I have been a patient at the Chinese medical Centre for the past 2 and half years. I have had treatment for various problems and have had them all successfully resolved. I am a builder and have had torn ligaments and pulled muscles which my G.P. could not do anything for. I also had a sleep disorder for several years which the Ling (Weiying Hu) here has helped me sort out. My first son also had eczema on his skin when he was born. With the help of the treatment from Ling it has successfully cleared up. I have referred many people to this centre and all who have been given treatment have had good results. I have found Ling to be very honest and sincere in her work, she is professional and will not see you along if she can’t help you. I find her diagnoses and philosophy regarding the human body and its workings very knowledgeable.”
H.S. Chatha 4/01/18
“You helped me a lot when I was trying for a baby. Now I have a baby and I am so happy!”
A. Ritchie 10/12/17
“Have suffered constant back problems for 7 months. After only receiving acupuncture twice, I felt fantastic. Ling (Weiying Hu) has worked a miracle on me. I am hooked.”
S. Smith 26/06/17
“I have been coming to Ling (Weiying Hu) since 1999 when I had high blood pressure and was on tablets from my doctor which had side effects. After a period of herbal medicine and acupuncture treatment, I stopped taking the tablets altogether and have not needed them since. I would recommend Ling to anybody for almost any complaint, she is a dedicated practitioner and I trust her judgement.”
M. Roberts 11/07/16
“I had suffered with severe depression for many years and had tried homeopathy and other natural medicine but it was taking too long for me to get better. I came to Ling (Weiying Hu) very ill and found her very understanding and a good listener. I found that the herbs worked very well. In time, my depression lifted, which many people can’t say when they have had it severely.
I also wanted a baby and had a miscarriage and couldn’t have a baby. After taking the Chinese medicine since the miscarriage, 6 months later, I became pregnant and in November ‘13, I gave birth to a baby boy, Byron. He is now 13 months and healthy. Thank you very much.”
A. Rees 15/12/15
“Ling (Weiying Hu) has given me acupuncture for my arthritis for about 2 years now and it is the only treatment that has helped.”
C. Ecclestone 23/07/15
“It was in desperation and with a sceptical outlook that I first approached the medical centre. I had numerous complaints: M.E, migraines, chronic stomach pains, depression and other symptoms. The difference after taking herbs for just a few weeks was quite miraculous! I slowly recovered from M.E and one of my favourite pastimes now is hill walking—a vast difference from having to rest after walking up a flight of stairs! I do still to have to visit Ling (Weiying Hu) and together we fight my remaining problems.
Ling has taken me from a very sick person to a very active fit one. Although the treatment for me is long and requires some financial investment, the return of health and vigour makes both very worthwhile.”
V. Wood 18/05/14